Forest on a Slab Workshop – Part 2

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January 16, 2021 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Forest on a Slab Workshop - Part 2

Schley's Bonsai and Supplies
Phone:(386) 675-3118
Address: 2745 Audubon Ave, DeLand, FL 32720

There will be a multi part workshop- Building a Forest on a Slab - starting in November.  Kevin Richardson will lead the November Workshop session. Participant’s task will be preparation of the slab itself. The next parts will be held in January of 2021 and will be led by Mike Rogers.  During this session, preparing for and the actual planting will occur. The Workshop cost will be $50/person and will include the slab, soil, and muck. Each workshop participant will have to bring their own eye protection.  Plant material will be an additional cost or the participant may bring their own. Trees for planting  should not be more than 3ft high; however, size is dependent upon the size of the slab made by the workshop participant. If trees are purchased at Schley’s Nursery, there will be a discount of 30% off. Ideal trees are hornbeam, maples, Chinese elms, junipers, and pines for this time of year. Club members not wishing to participate in the workshop can watch the demonstrations and give advice to workshop participants.

This event is open to members of other clubs.  Contact Jason Schley if you would like to sign up.  As of the Kawa December Holiday Party, there are 4 spots open for this workshop.

The November workshop is happening on 11/21/2020.  The January workshop will be happening on 1/16/2021.
