Multi-Club Picnic

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October 28, 2023 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Multi-Club Picnic

F. Burton Smith Regional Park
Address: 7575 W. King Street - Cocoa

The event officially begins at noon, It is held under a pavilion with ample coverage should it rain. Bathrooms are located in the pavilion as well.

Each attendee is to bring a dish. Bonsai Society of Brevard will be providing hot dogs and hamburgers.

There is a silent auction - each attendee can bring up to 20 items.

For the live auction, each attendee may bring up to 5 primary items that will be auctioned off; each attendee may bring no more than an additional 5 items however, if time does not permit, their items will not be auctioned. The auction will close at 3pm, Commission is 15%.

KAWA members volunteers are needed. Volunteers who can help set up should arrive at 9:30am; Volunteers are also needed to assist with the auctions. Please let Mike or Jeanne know if you can volunteer.

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