RECAP: Aug 2020 Meeting
YouTube Recording of Meeting: May Minutes: Pictures from Meeting: Photos by Benjamin Lorber, more coming soon
Volusia County's Premier Bonsai Club
YouTube Recording of Meeting: May Minutes: Pictures from Meeting: Photos by Benjamin Lorber, more coming soon
August Meeting Information: Our next meeting is scheduled for Saturday, August 15th at Noon. Demonstrations will be Ficus initial styling and a discussion of Shohin/Mame Bonsai (under 8 inches). Anyone having Shohin and Mame sized trees should bring them in! We will also be discussing the upcoming September 19 Auction and Grill Out and Joy […]
YouTube Recording of Meeting May Minutes Pictures from Meeting
April Meeting: Mike, Jason, Chris and a few others met up and had a mini meeting in which a very informative demonstration was given by our own president Mike Rogers. Mike and Jason discussed an initial styling of a blue alps juniper in our April online club meeting. Because of COVID-19, we asked members to not […]