August – Meeting Recap

kawa ok quality (2)

Our New Logo!!

5 new members today at Kawa!! This Monthly meeting is something to grow on. We finished planting our accent pots and Mike helped members get some trees to the next level.  We also discussed and voted on a new logo, talked about name tags, shirts, newsletters, social media, and updating the website. We will be posting soon the scheduling of future events. Our next display event is November 9 where members are asked to display at least one tree during event. Please PM Jason the size and a photo of the tree you want to display.
Our next meeting is September 21st!
How do you all feel about pizza? Should we get a party sub? Dish to pass?
Today we got pizza with 5.00 donations for the ones who wanted lunch and it worked out okay.

Also, check out our August newsletter our secretary Jeanne put together!